Beginning in March 2020 we were quarantined during the corona virus pandemic. Confined to home, my painting 'en plein air became painting in Pauline's garden. Fortunately, it contained an amazing variety of flowers. I call these the Corona Flowers from the quarantine series. I dedicate this collection to those people who help us get through this tragedy. Agree to give something you can afford to someone, friend or stranger, who is in need because of this pandemic, and I will arrange to transfer one of these to you. By clicking on the picture, each one is numbered with a description of size and media, Oil or Watercolor, wc. If not marked "taken", send me the number and I will arrange to transfer it to you. Since I cannot always guarantee it is still available select more than one.
Paintings already taken-13,15,16,24,25,26,30,35,40,42